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Shower Filters and Accessories

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You want the cleanest water for drinking, so why not hold the same standards for the water you use to shower? Just like water pitchers, water coolers and water faucets can have filters, so can your shower head. In fact, these days, an increasing number of homeowners are opting to add a shower filter to their bathroom in order to enjoy cleaner showers every day. After all, you are trying to get clean, so why wouldn't you want the cleanest water possible?
At Superwater, we offer a selection of high-quality shower filters and accessories so you can enjoy cleaner water when you bathe. What's so great about these products is that they're really easy to install, yet you get to enjoy the benefits every day. In addition, they're quite affordable and are built to last for years, so the price is well worth it considering it will affect you so significantly.
Our Sprite shower filters are some of our most popular products in this category. They can remove the minerals, deposits and additives found in your tap water. In addition to being unhealthy, these substances can dry out and damage your skin over time, leading to flaking, scaling and even premature aging. Meanwhile, it can wreak havoc on your hair as well and give you unmanageable, dry and dull locks. But with one of our Sprite shower filters, those are no longer issues for your home. Many of our customers report seeing improvements in their hair and skin in just a few weeks.
If you're interested in seeing what a difference a shower filter can make for you, check out our selection of filters and accessories. From high-output shower filtration systems to replacement cartridges, you'll find it all on our site. We even offer specialized showerhead filters, so you can still enjoy the benefits of cleaner water with a handheld showerhead or a massage head. While you're at it, be sure to check out our other residential products, like our popular Everpure and Housepure filters. Whatever you need to improve the water quality in your home, we're here to help. Our customer support team can be reached at 1-866-WATER2U or contact us via email at